Friday, May 28, 2010

Slowing Down.

My former roommate, Ashlee, used to make fun of me, because I never walked anywhere in our house. I sprinted. Occasionally, I pranced. But mainly, I bounded up the stairs and ran from one room to another.

In my new house, I do the same thing - if I forget my cell phone in the other room, I literally run to get it. Most of the time, this causes my roommate's dogs to start furiously barking. I still haven't gotten used to the dogs.

I'm not sure why I do this. As far as exercise goes, I generally think running is tantamount to torture, so it's not due to any kind of athletic habit. I guess, when I decide I want something, I want it now. I move fast. I think this is a good quality to have when you're pursuing a career as difficult as music.

Of course, I can't be like this all the time. I have a tendency to run until I burn out. Most of the month of May was spent working, running around, working more, playing shows, writing music, planning my album, and not sleeping. That's why, when planning my trip to the Kerrville Folk Festival, I decided to take the long way.

Option 1: (More direct route)

Option 2: (The long way. The fun route. The eat lunch in New Orleans and sleep by the Gulf of Mexico Route)

Every once in a while, I need to remind myself to slow down. Take my time getting from point A to point B, and maybe eat fried dough in New Orleans for lunch.

Or walk knee-deep into the Gulf of Mexico. (The shores of Galveston are not yet affected by the BP Spill. But I apologized to the Gulf while I was there, and promised to trade in my car for a hybrid as soon as I can afford one.)

I guess that's it. I'm going to leave this Starbucks and make my way to Kerrville now. And I promise to take my time. Did I mentioned that my internet deal-searching skillz got me a room at this place? Taking the long way pays off.

PS - You may be wondering, "Hey Kate, are you slowing down because you got a speeding ticket and opted to go to internet traffic school rather than get the points on your license?" The answer is, I don't think so. But the timing of both makes for a good tie-in. Thanks for asking :)

1 comment:

Long to Be Light said...

I miss hearing you bound up the stairs and the little pitter patter of your feet in the attic. Love you Kate!